Healthy Hot Chocolate

Happy New Year Everybody! I hope that your 2016 is off to a great start! I am so excited to be back behind my computer screen (and camera!) working on some wonderful new plant-based recipes that I will be sharing with all of you.

Lots of exciting things have been going on with me, including growing my health coaching business as well as becoming a plant-based nutrition contributor for the incredible Mr. Kate's blog! You can check out my first post here:

I love hot chocolate! However, we all know that most hot chocolate recipes are not the most beneficial for our health. I've been making this recipe for Healthy Hot Chocolate for some time now and absolutely love how easy and delicious it is! Even better, it gives a fantastic nutritional boost and is 100% refined sugar free too! 

What makes this Healthy Hot Chocolate so healthy is raw cacao powder! I have spoken about cacao before in the recipes for my Creamy Cacao Smoothie and Raw Walnut Brownie Bites. 

Cacao powder is the purest form of chocolate and unlike cocoa powder, cacao is unrefined meaning it still contains all of the vital nutrients that are lost in the process of making cocoa powder and chocolate bars. Cacao is one of the highest sources of antioxidants and is rich in minerals such as iron and magnesium. It also contains 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber for every 2 tablespoons.

I love enjoying this drink as a warming afternoon snack or if I want to wind down with a nighttime treat. Children will also love this healthier version!

Healthy Hot Chocolate

(Makes 1 Serving)

1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 Tbs raw cacao powder
1/2-1 Tbs unrefined sweetener of choice (honey, brown rice syrup)
1/4 tsp cinnamon


1. Place all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring often. Once all ingredients are combined and heated, place in a mug and enjoy. Top with unsweetened coconut flakes or cacao nibs (optional)!

I hope you enjoy all of the goodness this Healthy Hot Chocolate has to offer. Here's to a very happy and healthy 2016!

xo Natalie